Ranger gets all sorts of questions, here are some of the most common.

Does Ranger like kitties?

Yes, Ranger loves kitties.

kitty kitty2

Did Ranger have to study hard to pass his Therapy Dog test?

Yes, Ranger studied for an entire year.


 Does Ranger do any tricks?

Yes, Ranger has a few pawesome tricks.


Does Ranger have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, Ranger has 4 brothers and 5 sisters. He was the chubbiest of the litter.

familyIMG_1410 (2)

What are some of Rangers favorite games to play?

Ranger loves to play Frisbee and ball.

frisbbe ball

Is Ranger a sports fan?

Yes, Ranger LOVES the Giants and got to be in the Dog Daze of Summer parade on the field before the game at AT&T park the summer of 2013


Is Ranger supposed to be on the couch?

Ummm, no.


Does Ranger really wear sunglasses?

Yes, Ranger has a pair of doggles he wears when he needs to be extra cool.


It seems like Ranger is an awfully sweet Therapy Dog, is he always this sweet?

Yes, Ranger is the best.

cuddle considerate